Drop-in Yoga
Join us for a dynamic and challenging yoga experience with Cyril Yogi, a renowned traditional Hatha and Ashtanga yoga master.
Class Schedule
Join us for yoga classes, Monday to Sunday:
08:00 am - 09:30 am
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Class Details:
Duration: 90 minutes
+ INR 1500
+ USD 20
+ EUR 17
+ GBP 15
Book 10 classes, get 10% off (valid for 12 days)
Book 20 classes, get 20% off (valid for 22 days)
Class Size and Equipment:
Limited to 6-12 people
Yoga mats available for rent (INR 100) or purchase (INR 2500)
Please notify us through WhatsApp or phone call one day prior to your scheduled class.WhatsApp +919423889377
Booking and Payment:
WhatsApp: +91 942 388 9377 (Prompt reply or within 6 hours)
Payment: Exact cash only (no credit/debit cards)
Fee: INR 1500 per person (INR 1600 with yoga mat rent)
Arrive 5 minutes before 10 am
Our yoga school opens 10 minutes before 10 am
About Cyril Yogi:
Cyril Yogi comes from a lineage of yoga teachers and is one of the most respected Hatha and Ashtanga yoga masters in India and worldwide. His classes offer an unforgettable yoga experience.
Cyril Yoga - Unlock Your Full Potential
Discover the transformative power of Ashtanga Cyril Yoga, a traditional Indian yoga practice passed down through generations of ancestral traditions. Our classes, led by Cyril Yogi, combine ancient techniques with modern applications to empower you with supernatural mental and physical powers.
Benefits of Ashtanga Cyril Yoga:
Incredible flexibility: Achieve yoga positions you never thought possible, even as a beginner.
Emotional awareness: Gradually increase kindness, compassion, empathy, happiness, and mental calmness.
Life-changing experiences: Discover a deeper spiritual path, love yourself in new ways, and experience a life split.
Physical transformation: Enjoy increased alertness, enthusiasm, muscular strength, flexibility, and tone.
Weight management: Underweight individuals gain weight, while obese individuals lose weight.
Youthful appearance: Slow down skin aging, improve bone density, and reduce osteoporosis risk.
Increased love hormone: Boost oxytocin levels and sexual power for a fulfilling life.
Prosperity and success: Attract wealth, fame, and victory through daily practice and Karma Yoga.
How to Get the Full Benefit:
Hydrate: Drink 3-4 liters of water daily, including simple steps.
Fasting: Fast for 18-20 hours daily, allowing only water and tea/coffee without milk.
Diet control: Follow a simple diet to reap amazing benefits within a week.
Cyril Yoga Class Techniques:
Prayer to begin a yoga practice
The secret of Yogic Breath Control
Yoga Nadi Sweda (Energy Channel Cleansing and Sweating)
84 Yoga Positions (Increase immunity power, strengthen arms and legs, and create balance)
Physical alignment (Proper alignment for less stress on the spine)
Bhastrika Pranayama (Clear airways)
Anulom Vilom Pranayam (Nasal Breathing)
Kumbhaka, Bandhas, and Mudras (Advanced techniques for cosmic energy)
Bhramari Pranayama (Calming breathing practice)
10. Meditation Advice (State of mental and emotional balance)
Yoga Nidra (Calms the mind and recharges the body)
Yoga ending prayer
What to Wear:
Comfortable clothing suitable for active yoga practice.
Skill Level:
Sleep and Personal Hygiene
Aim for 6-8 hours of sleep each night during the course.
Bathe before class and avoid using creams to enhance cosmic energy absorption.
Empty bowels and bladder before class, using home remedies like grapes and papaya if needed.
Health Concerns
Report any health issues, including flu, to the teacher before class.
Yoga Diet
Ashtanga Cyril Yoga recommends a pure vegan diet to facilitate sattva (love, awareness, connection, and peace). Avoid foods involving animal harm or killing. Choose:
Fruits and vegetables (except onions and garlic)
Whole grains like oats, wheat, and rice
Beans, tofu, mung, and aduki
Plant-based oils like sesame, sunflower, and olive oil
Nuts and seeds (except salted or roasted)
Natural sugars like raw sugar, maple syrup, and molasses
Herbal teas and water with lemon and/or lime
Sweet spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger
Meat, fish, and egg products
Processed and artificial foods
Animal fats, margarines, and fried foods
Canned foods (except naturally canned tomatoes and fruits)
White flour and sugar
Garlic, onions, spicy foods, and stale or overly cooked foods
Microwaved foods, alcohol, tobacco, and stimulant drugs
Genetically modified foods (where possible)
Food Consumption
Eat in a peaceful environment, without rushing, to improve your health, mind, and spirit.
Photo Policy
We take photos in each yoga class for study purposes and to measure student improvement. If you object to photo-taking, inform your teacher before class. Beautiful photos may be shared on social media with your consent.
Note: Sometimes before entering Cyril yogi class there will be a high-security check because sometimes celebrities and models come to the yoga classes I am very sorry for this. Please don't bring any unnecessary items to the yoga class.
All Cyril yoga classes and retreats in Goa India controlled by the U.S. agency in Lubbock TX. Related to any complaint please email us, at info@cyrilyoga.com.